pub trait ResultPeek<T, E>: Peek + Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>> {
    // Required method
    fn peek_result(&mut self) -> Result<&T, E>;
Expand description

Same as ResultNext but for things that implement Peek.

This trait is automatically implemented for any iterator of Results that has an error type E such that &E: From<UnexpectedEnd>.

Required Methods§


fn peek_result(&mut self) -> Result<&T, E>

See next_result.


Should return Err if the underlying item is an Err, or there are no more items in the iterator.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T, E, U: Peek + Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>> ResultPeek<T, E> for U
where for<'a> E: From<UnexpectedEnd> + Clone + 'a,